Places to Stay
Anchor Inn Resort & Fawcett Lake Provincial Campground
West Fawcett Lake
Includes provincial recreation area, boat rentals, kayak rentals, and cabins.
Phone: 1-780-829-2211
Includes provincial recreation area, boat rentals, kayak rentals, and cabins.
Phone: 1-780-829-2211
Darlene's Rooms
Single Room or Crew Accommodations in Smith
By the Day, Week or Month, Private Entrance Free Wifi, Laundry, Utilities, Furnished Rooms and Kitchenette Treadmill, Air hockey table 1 403-578-7020 |
Smith Campsite (operated by SHARA Society)
This campsite, located on the first left street as you enter Smith, has no services.
Contact: Don Liddell 1 780-516-0450 or [email protected]
Contact: Don Liddell 1 780-516-0450 or [email protected]